Titan [A.E.] 2

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What is "Titan [A.E.] 2"?

It is an art collection that expands the universe of Titan A.E., like a sequel that never existed. It continues the story where the original film ends, introducing new characters and challenges. There are no formal rules. It has an open format that welcomes anything that adds to the story: scenes, characters, dialogues, atmosphere... I create and add as I go.

Why is it done this way?

  • Time: Art is already a hobby to which I dedicate a very limited amount of time during the week. A project requires a lot of time, energy, and motivation to complete. It is easier for me to manage as long as it’s more divisible.
  • I'm not a writer: The usual format in these cases is fanfiction or fanart, which are typically separate from each other. However, I don't enjoy writing long fiction. That's why I came up with the term FanArtFiction; art and text carry equal weight, with a slight priority on the art.
  • Organization: My motto is "create the core, fill in the gaps." A story can be defined in just a few illustrations. But we can’t know how long this creative period will last, or how will my life condition it, so I prioritize the key points.
  • More accessibility: Independent pieces are better appreciated than long narrative ones, especially by viewers unfamiliar with the universe.
  • Greater imagination: The suggestive lore invites participation, allowing others to imagine the missing pieces. "Non-existing media" is an experimental way of storytelling cosisting on creating art about cultural products that don't exist. You could consider this project as a collection of fanart of Titan 2.

Let's start...


A boy from P'lochda. Lost and aimless, but with eyes full of determination, this drifter survives on poorly paid jobs and scraps by with his small gang of petty criminals. Live each day, don’t ask questions. The rest is figured out along the way.
And yet, one day he was contacted by the emperor of a new world, and his destiny changed forever.


Emperor of New Earth (Planet Bob). There is no transition on a new planet. So Cale was unanimously chosen as the provisional leader. In reality, he never had a knack for politics, but charisma proved to be much more practical and necessary. Beyond that, he received help from the best advisors among his allies and... learned as he went along.


"Do you need a hand?" A cheerful mechanical saurian, talented but insecure and with low self-esteem. He settled in P'lochda, competing with low prices. It was then that he was found by Gallop by chance, who took him to New Earth/Planet Bob.


After creation of New Earth, first emperor, Cale I, needed allies. Stith the sogowan, one the survivors from the original Valkyrie team, stayed by his side. Later on she became his official master-at-arms. Still kicking, never rusty, despite all these years.


Laughter and flashes of light. The messy laboratory, a dilapidated annex to the palace. One of the surviving Heroes investigates in solitude. Everyone has forgotten him. A pitiful fate. For although he has lost his sight, this poor Grepoan has not yet closed his inner eye to the secrets of the Universe. Nor to the biological disaster now thriving on New Earth. Can we save it? But, who can you trust these days? After all, the line between genius and madness is not very thick.


The hardened General Vaelor was once one of the Gaoul allies from Sesharrim who fought in the quest for the Titan. He quickly stood out as one of the key leaders, and with the founding of New Earth, he had the chance to remain true to his oath. Cale I, the symbol of hope for the future of all races, placed his trust in him as his right-hand man and General. But the stability of the new empire is paved with innocent blood. Necessary decisions and sacrifices. But are they, really? Is this the justice of his people? Though he shows no weakness, the hardened General Vaelor is breaking inside, a little more each time. In these times of crisis, the Gaoul code of honor is blurring into a faith increasingly confused with fanaticism, with no apparent way out...


The mysterious leader of Amalgam. Even here, on this young planet, revolution was quick to emerge. It seemed impossible, yet inevitable. A logical response to the emperor's autocracy.
They began calling them "The Other Races." Impure, condemned, and oppressed, for they were far from the ideal of the divine man. They unraveled the steps of so many years of interstellar coexistence. They created a planet and felt like gods. "The Other Races." And yet, a human woman became their voice and their fist.
"It’s easy to speak of justice when the price isn’t your blood. But every word has a cost, and I’m tired of paying."

“-WHAT!?” That’s all the small mechanical saurian could say. He had never served as a pilot. Never gone this far.
“-They’ll pay well. The Emperor is my lifelong friend.”
Obviously, Gallop had never met him. He lied, filling in the gaps left in Cale Tucker’s message, and played it like a wild card, even though he used up all the money he had left. “...Sorry, Gallop, transport is on you. An unregistered flight... maximum discretion... your destination awaits on New Earth.” Damn scrooge.
Audrey was a naïve fool, which turned out to be an advantage. A few hours later, he was in orbit (in the worst excuse for a shuttle), and couldn’t believe his luck. Crap. He hadn’t expected any of this. He had nothing to lose. At least he’d carve out a space for himself, start over, even if it was on a human planet. He had no idea what he was doing there.
“-This is such a bore. You thirsty?” Gallop pulled out a bottle of herb liquor. He didn’t like celebrating alone.
“-What are you doing? This shuttle doesn’t have autopilot! And you’re supposed to help me land...”
“-I told you I’m not a fucking pilot. And we’re not going to crash into anything.”
Foolish, naïve Audrey. But they shared the Akrennian herb liquor. It was strong. The atmosphere lightened up, and for a moment, he was able to forget his worries. No radios. Just an Old Earth playlist.
By the time they approached the Andali System, "Domino Dancing" by the Pet Shop Boys was playing.

"...Gallop Yoa...because he is, the son of...".
"Damn you, Cale. What were you thinking? Could he be a spy impersonator? And if not, what does he really know? Why bring him here?" -she tried to process the flood of possibilities.
"...Stith will be thrilled to show you the facilities...".
"...one of ours now..."
"The boy probably felt the tension. I think I almost caught him trying to look at me out of the corner of his eye. Please, don't talk."
Emotions crawled up to his throat. Stith had to muster all his emotional control to keep from screaming.
Not a single word throughout the entire descent. Nothing. Except for the hum of the elevator.

(This was inspired by the elevator scene in Neon Genesis Evangelion.)

Even though he was accepted among them, Gallop never stopped feeling the weight of his father's shadow. "What is that gun for, Gallop? Your enemies, your friends, or yourself?"

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